Minnesota Irish 18U Gold in SurfCity

Minnesota Irish 18U Gold in SurfCity
Front Row (L to R): Robyn, Nicole, Amanda, Sam, Chelsea. Back (L to R): Nicole, Brittany, Kristen, Whitney, Jadyn, Becca.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thanks to Coaches and Parents

The players and parents of the team would like to thank the efforts of the coaches during this tournament. Thanks to Tim Johnson for organizing this event and working with the college recruiters to find a good match for the players. Thanks to Melinda Johnson for leading the team and working with the recruiters as well. Thanks to Jeff Rohr and Randy Fjeld for their efforts getting the girls ready and covering the base coach duties.

The players would also like to thank their parents for making this trip possible. A great time was had on and off the field by everyone present.

A special call out to Nini who could not attend due to illness. We missed you and wish you could have been there. Best wishes and we all hope for a speedy and complete recovery.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Game 7 Inning 6

Irish get two hits but can't rally.
Irish lose 6-2.

Game 7 Inning 5

Irish are retired in order. Brit is due up next.

Whit strikes out two, walks one, and a slapper is thrown out.
Irish still trail 6-2.

Game 7 Inning 4

The Irish are retired in order. Amanda due up next.

Crush gets just 1 single as Whit strikes out 2.
Irish 2, Crush 6.

Game 7 Inning 3

Brit, Jadyn, and Sambo all get hits but are stranded. Next up Nicole.

Whitney comes in to pitch.
Whit gets 4 K's but a walk and a dropped third strike error at first allow the runner to score.
Irish 2, Crush 6.

Game 7 Inning 2

Irish get 1 run with two outs. Chelsea, Becca, and Amanda get consecutive hits with Chelsea scoring on a collison at the plate and Ziggy getting the RBI.
Irish cut the lead to 3. Robyn due up next.

Brit gets 2 strikeouts and then the Crush drop some hits to load the bases but the Irish defense holds.
Irish 2, Crush 5.

Game 7 Inning 1

The Irish score 1 with leadoff hits by Robyn and Brit, followed by a walk to Jadyn and an RBI single by Kristen. Nicole was thrown out at home on the play. Jadyn got picked off at 3B. Sam will return to the batter's box. Irish lead by 1.

SoCal Crush answers back with some big bats tallying 5 runs.
Irish 1, Crush 5.

Game 7 Lineup

The fog has burned off as the sun climbs behind the batter's back. The grass is still a little wet. SoCal Crush is our final opponent.

The lineup will be the same with Brit returning to the circle.

1. Robyn
2. Brittany
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Nicole
8. Chelsea
9. Becca
10. Amanda
11. Whitney

Game 6 Inning 5

Brit worked a walk but then time expired once again with Jadyn in the batter's box.

Irish lose 6-3.

Game 6 Inning 4

Irish just manage a walk but don't score. Next up Robyn.

Brit came in to pitch for the Irish.
A coupleof defensive miscues extended th inning as Breakers put 4 runs across.
Irish 3, Breakers 6.

Game 6 Inning 3

The Irish threatened with 2 errors and runners on second and third but can't score.

Breakers get one back on a round of errors allowing the 1 hit to score.
Irish 3, Breakers 2.

Game 6 Inning 1

The Irish bats were hot. Robyn got a leadoff hit. Brit moved Robyn to 2. Jadyn got a single and an RBI scoring Robyn. Kristen walked and Sambo got a hit to load the bases. Nicole laid down the suicide squeeze with bases loaded and two outs scoring Jadyn for the second run. Irish jump out 2-0.

The Breakers answer back with 1 on 2 hits and 2 walks. Kristen notched 3 K's.
Irish 2, Breakers 1.

Game 6 Inning 2

Becca got a leadoff walk. Nicole went in to run for her and stole her way around to score. Irish lead 3-1. Next up Jadyn.

The Breakers are retired in order including 2 more K's by Kristen.
Irish 3, Breakers 1.

Game 6 Lineup

It's a cool and foggy morning in Mission Viejo. The complex has no fences but the fans appreciate te stadium seats behind our field. The Jersey Breakers are our competition and we were told they went undefeated last year at this event. Tim's scouting report is that the first two girls are FAST slappers.

Here is our lineup.
1. Robyn
2. Brittany
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Nicole
8. Chelsea
9. Becca
10. Amanda
11. Whitney

The pitching rotation will remain the same with Kristen starting and Brittany planned for the 5th and 6th inning.

Good Luck Irish!

Photos Uploaded

The pictures from the first two days have all been loaded into Flickr. Use the Flickr Foto Link on the right to view them. I have tagged the first day's pictures with player names so you can search by them. I will finish uploading and tagging today or tomorrow.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Game 5 Inning 7

The Angels get 1 hit but do not score.

The Irish get their at bats cut short as time expires.

Irish lose 6-0.

Game 5 Inning 6

Angels get a leadoff homerun aided by a lack of fences. The next 3 are retired in order, but the Angels extend their lead to 6.

The Irish send Chelsea to the plate. Amanda reached on a walk but still scoreless. Next up Robyn.
Angels 6, Irish 0.

Game 5 Inning 5

Whitney comes in to pitch for the Irish.

The Angels get a leadoff walk and then string 3 hits with 2 outs to score 3. Angels lead 5-0.

The Irish are retired in order.
Angels 5, Irish 0.

Game 5 Inning 4

The Angels were retired in order.

The Irish sent 3 to the plate. Next up Sambo.
Irish 0, Angels 2.

Game 5 Inning 3

Brittany comes in to pitch.

The Angels get a double but can't score.

The Irish look ready to rally when Becca gets a leadoff single, but with runners on the corners they get thrown out stealing two. Brittany will resume her at bat next inning.
Angels 2, Irish 0.

Game 5 Inning 2

Angels work a leadoff walk but can't get their runner past second.

The Irish are retired in order. Becca is due up next.
Angels 2, Irish 0.

Game 5 Inning 1

The Angels come out swinging stringing 3 hits for 2 runs.

The Irish bats answered back with 2 hits and a walk but Robyn was thrown out at home on a double play.

Irish trail 2-0. Next up Sam.

Game 5 Line Up

Still sunny and warm in California. The Corona Angels have a very strong reputation, so the Irish will need to play their best.

Here is the lineup against the Angels.
1. Robyn
2. Brittany
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Nicole
8. Chelsea
9. Becca
10. Amanda
11. Whitney

Kristen will start in the circle. Angels will bat first.
Good Luck Irish!

Game 4 Inning 6

Brit started with a leadoff single and scored on an RBI single by Nicole. Kristen scored on an RBI by Sam. Irish lead 4-1.

OC Elite mount a 2-out rally scoring on a 2-run homer but fall short of the comeback.
Irish Win 4-3!

Next game in 2 hours.

Game 4 Inning 5

Chelsea went to the plate first for the Irish. Amanda beat out a bunt with 2 outs. Whit walks but no one scores.

OC Elite have their leadoff double erased when it is discovered they bat out of order. No runs score.

Irish 2, OC Elite 1.

Game 4 Inning 4

OC Elite got a leadoff double but scored only 1 despite loading the bases twice.

Irish 2, OC Elite 1.

Game 4 Inning 3

Whitney goes in to pitch for the Irish.

The Elite get 2 leadoff runners but the Irish defense held.

Jadyn got a leadoff single and Kristen followed it with an RBI triple to left. The Irish leave her stranded but push their lead 2-0.

Game 4 Inning 2

Elite gets a hit but then Chelsea catches a line drive and doubles up the runner at first to get of the inning sending the minimum to the plate.

Whitney leads off for the Irish who go down 1-2-3.
Irish 1, OC Elite 0.

Game 4 Inning 1

OC Elite bat first but are retired in order with some excellent defense.

Sambo led off with a single, Sam, Nicole, and Chelsea all reaching, with Sam scoring on a pickoff overthrow. Irish go ahead 1-0.

Game 4 Lineup

The Irish will start with Brittany in the circle. Offensively they will continue with the same order.
1. Robyn
2. Brittany
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Nicole
8. Chelsea
9. Becca
10. Amanda
11. Whitney

Good Luck Irish!

Game 3 Inning 6

Lady Sharks get 2 runners but no runs.

Robyn leads off for the Irish and beats out a bunt. She gets called out on a delayed steal. The Irish fail to rally and lose 5-1.

OC Elite is up next in 15 minutes.

Game 3 Inning 5

Brit goes in to pitch for the Irish. Lady Sharks score one unearned run to go back ahead by 4.

Chelsea led off for the Irish. Amanda got a 2-out hit but didn't score.
Irish 1, Lady Sharks 5.

Game 3 Inning 4

The Lady Sharks go down in order.

The Irish get their first run as Jadyn gets a leadoff single and moves around the bases as Sambo earns the RBI.
Irish 1, Lady Sharks 4.

Game 3 Inning 3

Lady Sharks get 1 run on 3 hits.

Irish send Amanda to the plate first. Robyn gets a 2-out hit but can't score.
Lady Sharks 4, Irish 0.

Game 3 Inning 2

Lady Sharks score another run on 2 hits to go up by 3.

Sambo leads off. The Irish work a couple walks and get runners to second and third but leave them stranded. Irish trail 3-0.

Game 3 Inning 1

Lady Sharks bat first and score 2 with two outs. No fences at this complex so a double to the fence turned into a triple.

The Irish put the ball in play and Jadyn reaches second on an error, but then gets called for interference on Kristen's hit.

Lady Sharks 2, Irish 0.

Game 3 Line Up

Another beautiful sunny morning and a little further from the coast so the temperatures will rise.

Here is the lineup against San Jose Lady Sharks.
1. Robyn
2. Brittany
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Nicole
8. Chelsea
9. Becca
10. Amanda
11. Whitney

Kristen will start in the circle.
Good luck Irish!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Game 2 Inning 6

Irish try to rally with Nicole reaching when she was hit by a pitch but can't advance her.

Absolute Blast get two more runners when time expires.
Final score Irish 2, Absolute Blast 4.
Next game is tomorrow.

Game 2 Inning 5

The Irish go down in order.

Absolute Blast score 2 more loading the bases twice without hitting the ball out of the infield.
Irish trail 4-2.

Game 2 Inning 4

The Irish went down in order. Sam I due up next.

Absolute Blast scores 2 off a leadoff hit, hit batter, and a couple errors and a walk. With bases loaded Whit gets a key strikeout to limit the damage. Tie game 2-2.

Game 2 Inning 3

Chelsea gets a hit up the middle and moves to 2B but can't score. Next up Jadyn.

Whitney comes in to pitch and strikes out the side. Irish lead 2-0.

Game 2 Inning 2

The Irish are retired in order. Whitney is due up next.

Absolute Blast goes down 1-2-3. Irish still 2-0.

Game 2 Inning 1

The Irish jump out to 2-0 lead when Robyn and Brit both reach. Then Jadyn moved them up 60' and Kristen got a 2-RBI single. Next up Amanda.

Absolute Blast got a hit but Brit struck out two, stranding 1. Irish lead 2-0.

Game 2 Line Up

The Irish now face Absolute Blast from Washington. Brit will continue on the mound to start. Irish will be batting first.

The line up is the same as game 1.
1. Robyn
2. Brit
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Amanda
8. Becca
9. Nicole
10. Whitney
11. Chelsea

Go Irish!

Game 1 Inning 5

The Irish get an insurance run when Chelsea reaches on an error and Robyn gets on in a fielder's choice. Robyn scored after an error on Jadyn's hit to right and Kristen's RBI single.

Triple Threat are retired in order capped by another strikeout by Brit.

Irish win 4-1!

Game 1 Inning 4

Nicole got a 2-out double but no one scored. Next up Chelsea.

Brit comes in to pitch. After allowing a hit, strikes out one and keeps Triple Threat from scoring. Irish still lead 3-1.

Game 1 Inning 3

The Irish jump ahead with two more runs. Chelsea got was hit by a pitch with 1 out, and then Robyn and Brit loaded the bases with singles. Jadyn got a 2-RBI single. The Irish stranded 2. Next up Amanda.

The Irish retired Triple Threat allowing just one hit. Irish lead 3-1.

Game 1 Inning 2

Becca got a 1-out single, but the Irish couldn't move her around. Next up Whitney.

Triple Threat got two runners on but Kristen struck out the last batter to preserve the score at 1-1.

Game 1 Inning 1

The Irish get 1 run in the first as Brit beats out a drag bunt and then moves around the bases as the Irish batters all put the ball in play. They strand 2 and score 1. Amanda will lead off the next inning.

The Irish send Kristen to the circle with Robyn behind the plate. Triple Threat scores 1 unearned run to tie the game at 1.

Game 1 Lineup

The weather is sunny and beautiful, and the Irish will bat first in this 1:20 timed game.

The lineup is:
1. Robyn
2. Brit
3. Jadyn
4. Kristen
5. Sambo
6. Sam
7. Amanda
8. Becca
9. Nicole
10. Whitney
11. Chelsea

Monday, October 13, 2008

Friday Schedule Change

We have received an updated schedule for Friday. Moving our games up and changing our opponents.

On Friday, our games will be played at the Huntington Beach Sports Complex in Huntington Beach.
Game 1 at 11:00 AM vs WA Triple Threat on Field #3
Game 2 at 12:30 PM vs WA Abs Blast on Field #4

We will leave from the hotel lobby at 9:00 AM to head to the fields for pregame practice.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Practice Makes Perfect

Tim Johnson has scheduled a final pre-game practice in Huntington Beach on Friday at noon. We will all meet in the hotel lobby at 11:30 AM and head out as a team for practice.

Game Schedule Posted

Well things are starting to take shape, with the game schedule posted for next weekend. The detailed schedule is available on the right, with links to the original pages in the IMportant Links section. A request to change opponents for game 1 has been made so we don't play the same team twice. We have asked to play Tx Impact Gold in game 1. Stay tuned.

The Countdown Has Begun

Welcome. With less than 1 week until game time, the girls are getting excited about their trip to LA. Stay tuned for more details leading up to the tournament, and then check back regualrly over the weekend for inning updates during each game. Thanks for your support!